
A Twinship and Cooperation Agreement between Al-Hussein University College and the College of Dentistry/University of Kerbala.

05/01/2025 07:07 PM Media 69 Views

In accordance with the vision, mission, and goals of Al-Hussein University College to strengthen the bonds of scientific collaboration with the esteemed formations of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the College Dean assigned Professor Dr. Sabah Rasool Al-Jabri to coordinate with the Dean of the College of Dentistry/University of Kerbala. The purpose is to prepare a twinship and scientific cooperation agreement that provides academic benefits to the students of the Dentistry Department at Al-Hussein University College.

On Sunday, January 5, 2025, Dr. Al-Jabri visited the College of Dentistry/University of Karbala, where he met with the Dean, Assistant Professor Dr. Raouf Rashid Al-Tuma, and the Academic Affairs Assistant, Assistant Professor Ali Salman Abdul Amir. During the visit, discussions were held regarding the terms of the agreement, which is expected to be signed in the near future.