
Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation Division

The Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation Division at Al-Hussein University College seeks to build an effective system for quality assurance in the college, spread the culture of quality and academic accreditation among all employees in the college, and establish a culture of self-assessment, development and continuous improvement of the performance of the college’s various departments based on the college’s mission and on the quality assurance standards adopted by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

Division Vision

Our prestigious college, which is a scientific and educational beacon in our community. Our college was established in [2006] with the aim of providing high-quality education that meets the needs of students and keeps pace with the developments of the era.

Division Message

Enhancing the quality of learning and teaching in the college by achieving knowledge acquisition and enhancing the academic skills of the institution’s members and raising the level of academic performance of the college among its peers in educational institutions, while raising the level of scientific research and community service.

Division Objectives

Applying quality education to obtain an advanced ranking among universities in Iraqi and international classifications.

Interest in applying national and international institutional accreditation standards to enhance the college's institutional performance.

Developing, updating and globally twinning academic curricula with their counterparts in the field of cognitive specialization, ensuring the achievement of academic programmatic accreditation for them.

Developing the necessary infrastructure and administrative structures to perform the responsibility of the college and its various departments.

Encouraging global publication of research in solid containers.

Building partnerships and relationships with local and international institutions in order to activate cooperation, coordination and positive interaction with them by adopting best practices and experiences.

Interest in applying sustainable development standards in Iraq.

Quality Concept

Quality in general: The system’s ability to provide quality service or improve the goods it sells in a way that achieves the customer’s expectations in what he expects from this service or in what he buys from goods.

Quality in Higher Education: Continuous development and efficient performance of higher education institutions to gain the community’s confidence in their graduates based on an internationally recognized evaluation mechanism.

Administrative Units

Administrative Structure of Division

The Quality Assurance Unit is considered one of the important units in the Quality Assurance Division, as it contributes significantly to setting the general strategic policies of the college and takes upon itself the implementation of all programs that contribute to achieving comprehensive quality management. One of its most important goals is the continuous pursuit of ensuring and improving the quality of university education.

Unit tasks:

1- Reviewing and updating the college’s strategy, mission and objectives in line with developments and innovations that would develop higher education institutions.

2- Follow up and implement the college’s strategic plan to achieve quality assurance in order for the college and its departments to obtain academic accreditation to enhance the quality of the educational process in the college.

3- Spreading the culture of quality and awareness among faculty members, students and all university employees of the importance of implementing the quality assurance and accreditation system and consolidating concepts related to quality assurance and accreditation mechanisms.

4- Establishing the foundations, rules and procedures for periodic monitoring and follow-up of the implementation of quality assurance and accreditation standards.

5- Proposing university performance standards and quality control for the elements of the educational process, represented by the university professor, curricula, laboratories, university infrastructure, university students, and performance evaluation processes.

6- Providing advice, guidance and counsel to college departments that have not achieved the required levels of quality assurance in the aspects that require accreditation.

7- Preparing periodic follow-up reports on the department’s activities and submitting them to the college deanship.

The Performance Evaluation Unit is considered one of the most important units in the division, as it coordinates with all academic and administrative departments to record data related to the evaluation files (university performance evaluation file, faculty performance evaluation file, employee performance evaluation file) and to verify the accuracy of that data and unify it within the specified ministerial timeframes.

Unit tasks:

1- Completing performance evaluation files (for lecturers, administrative lecturers, employees, etc.) in all college formations.

2- Assisting college formations in preparing evaluation files.

3- Collecting the results of analytical studies on performance evaluation, stating the positives and negatives, and submitting the necessary proposals to develop and improve performance.

4- Auditing paper performance evaluation forms and following up on the electronic evaluation system for all teachers and employees.

5- Providing the academic promotion committees with the evaluation grades of the teachers applying for academic promotion.

6- Preparing periodic reports on the unit’s activities and submitting them to the Deanship.

The Academic Accreditation and Classifications Unit is responsible for providing local and foreign agencies concerned with local and international classifications with the information and documents required to include the college in these classifications according to the regulations of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, in addition to developing plans and policies for the college to obtain academic accreditation.

Unit tasks:

First: Classifications

1- Contacting the authorities responsible for each global classification and studying the requirements of each classification.

2- Collecting information from all college formations and preparing databases that suit each local and international classification.

3- Preparing future plans to develop the college’s research level.

4- Analyzing the affiliation results for each classification and preparing studies that show the important points that must be strengthened and given attention in the college’s plans.

5- Preparing guidance and advisory programmes for development goals.

6- Develop plans to classify the college’s formations in a way that contributes to highlighting the results of the distinguished formations and motivating the rest of the formations.

7- Enhancing the scientific and academic reputation of the college globally through electronic programs or introductory publications and brochures.

Second: Reliability

1- Verifying the college’s eligibility to apply for academic accreditation (institutional and programmatic).

2- Working on coordinating the academic accreditation file between the college and the accreditation bodies.

3- Forming teams concerned with working to meet the requirements of academic accreditation standards.

4- Identify the evidence and proof required to meet each accreditation criterion.

5- Determine procedural guidelines for all college departments.

6- Monitoring the activities and achievements of the committees formed for each standard.

7- Coordination with all the different units, departments and sections of the college in order to meet accreditation requirements.

The Laboratory Accreditation Division is considered one of the most important units of the Quality Assurance Division, as it is the entity responsible for providing a high-quality laboratory environment according to solid standards with the aim of achieving distinguished educational outcomes by following up on the application of the requirements of the national standards for a good educational laboratory (GLP, GCLP) to improve the reality of educational laboratories in the college.

Unit tasks:

1- Coding laboratories and laboratory equipment in a unified manner and according to the unified system issued by the Scientific Supervision and Evaluation Authority.

2- Follow up on the issue of supervising the college laboratories and qualifying them according to their specializations.

3- Follow up on the application and documentation of records of approved procedural methods in laboratories.

4- Follow up on the implementation of equipment and device calibration programs with relevant authorities.

5- Follow up on the improvement plan for the college’s educational laboratories.

6- Conducting training courses and workshops on laboratory quality and safety.

The Bologna Process is a multi-purpose process that aims to establish a framework that makes higher education qualifications comparable in their certificates and information, facilitates the comparison of university degrees across EU countries, enables the adoption of similar quality standards, and helps higher education in student employment and global competition.

This unit is responsible for implementing the internal quality assurance policy, which is one of the most important components of the Bologna Process.

Quality Assurance Manual - Bologna

Guide to the accreditation of the Bologna process in Iraqi universities

Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan 2021-2026

Forms and Files

Here you will find the most important forms and files related to quality assurance requirements

Performance Evaluation Files

File name Download link
Calendar File Controls 2023-2024 Download
Written undertaking Download
Performance Evaluation Guide 2023-2024 Download

Performance evaluation forms for different categories of teachers

File name Download link
Teaching researcher evaluation form Download
Administrative teacher evaluation form Download
Faculty evaluation form Download
Contract performance evaluation form Download
Evaluation form for directors of research centers and units Download
Evaluation form for a teacher who is not assigned teaching and administrative duties Download
Part-time teacher performance evaluation form Download
Teacher evaluation form in service centers Download
Full-time research lecturer evaluation form Download

Performance evaluation forms for different categories of employees

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Craftsman evaluation form Download
Administrative or technical employee evaluation form Download

Academic accreditation files

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Guide to writing a conformity report Download
Institutional accreditation file Download
Institutional accreditation guide Download

Laboratory accreditation and classification files

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Chemical safety Guide Download
Occupational safety and health indicators guide Download
Iraqi classification guide Download


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Student opinion on student services Download
Graduate's opinion on the study program Download
Employers' opinion of the graduate Download